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Maximum productivity, increasing cost pressure, the competitive landscape and other factors demand continued development and improvement of company processes.
With an understanding of the process development and contents, the experts of Cynosure Solutions optimise the cost and quality of processes and apply process modelling and simulation methodology as well as process reengineering and optimisation.
In addition, we support you through the integration of effective key measurements that identify weaknesses and repeatedly adapt the performance of the processes to the requirements of business operations. These measurement methods supply the information required in everyday operations for the corresponding monitoring and control.
Improved processes enable your IT organization to deliver more software product and better quality product or service with the same or less overall cost.
Our consultants work with your IT organisation to develop a Process Assessment Model based approach for your process improvement project. This leverages the skills of our consulting resources and promotes the ownership and buy-in of your staff members to the process, empowering them to deal with each new challenge as they arise. We find out how your business works, what makes you different and then focus on improving your processes to optimize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Our approach aligns your process improvement initiatives with overall business objectives.
Our ISO/IEC 15504 Process Assessment Model based approach is an industry proven way to ensure better process capability with minimum lead-time and cost to help your organization meet the challenge of delivering high quality and reliable software solutions.
We utilise models such as CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability determination) to help your IT organisation establish fit-for-purpose processes and instil a structured approach towards building reliable software systems.
Our internationally experienced consultants have participated in the development and review of these ISO based models and have an in-depth understanding of the underlying Process and Quality frameworks, this combined with our expertise and experience with business domains, enable us to customize our approach to your organizations needs.
Our Process Improvement Consulting team can assist your organization:
• ISO/IEC 15504 process assessment - on IT processes within ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 20000-1.
Process assessment is used as a basis for base lining and setting targets for process improvements, identifying process-based risks of software suppliers and confirming current process capability of intended vendors.
• ISO/IEC 15504 process improvement on organisational processes against process objectives.
Process-based standards and other process analysis techniques can be used to identify weaknesses, gaps and bottlenecks in inefficient or ineffective processes. Improvements in support processes that impact on other business processes can be identified to minimise impacts of time wastage on e.g. audit duplication, new processes for legal & regulatory compliance, or organisational measurement and associated data governance processes.
• Process-based ISO 9001 quality management system implementation.
Old-style QMS focuses on detailed procedures. Since 2000, ISO 9001 has had a focus on process. Overall process value chains and integrated organisational processes with mappings to frameworks and standards allow adaptability, to allow your processes to focus on business outcomes, rather than being structured according to standards. Existing QMS can be reworked into process formats and combined with implementation of process frameworks and governance consulting below.
• Implementation of process frameworks and governance, including TMF eTom, integrated organisational measurement.
Need assistance with implementing de facto and international standards and best practices like TMF eTom, ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 20000-4? Expert advice can be provided and change management performed to encourage the required process thinking within your organisation.
• ISO/IEC 38500 corporate governance of IT implementation.
Base lining of corporate governance of IT conformance to ISO/IEC 38500 can be performed, and advice on implementation can be provided.
• Non-conformance investigation and reviews against defined internal processes.
Reviews of execution of process against defined process, and reporting of non-conformances and root causes.